Purchasing this option allows you to upload the liability waiver signed by students. After purchase we will mail a certificate to the address provided. Shipping is included.
Upload pages (4.) and (6.) of the waiver ensuring that the following criteria is met.
- Page (4.) the student has "circled" all options that apply. Please have the student initial next to each option selected.
- Page (6.) the student has completed:
- "Student signature"
- "Date"
- "Student print name"
- "Student Email"
- "Company/agency" if applicable.
3. Page (6.) the instructor has completed:
- "Instructor Signature"
- "Date"
- "Instructor Print Name"
4.If issuing a V2 Base at the time of the class input serial number of base in "Assigned V2 Base Serial#" If customer is buying the base at a later date leave the field blank.
5. Please state type of verified student ID on form. LEO/MIL/FFL
- If a single certificate needs to be processed/ordered, please complete the order using the students shipping address. We will ship directly to the student.
- If multiple certificates need to be processed/ordered please place shipping information of the student on their waiver form. We will ship the certificate to the student.
- If multiple certificates need to be processed FOR AN UPCOMING CLASS please simply attach a roster containing the student name, email, and date of the class along with the instructor's name. We will ship the certificates unsigned to instructor of the class.